Salutations to the intergalactic space aliens from out of this world and our own humanity universally known as the world itself,
I watched Transformers: Dark of the Moon recently (recently meaning about a month ago). But besides that, I have to say I'm a huge fan of their soundtrack which I was listening to just moments ago. The movie was great. At the beginning of the movie as I was watching it I was very confused and thought it was moving very slowly, but as the movie progressed and expecially at the very end, I thought, "Dang this is so tight!" Long story short, I decided that when I grow up I will be Sam.
However, today I went to the 2 dollar theater to see X-Men First Class. It was great! (And most of the actors were from my Celebrity HOT! list!) The whole night before, after I planned to go with my friend to the movies the next day, for some odd reason, I was thinking about Mr. Creepy Stalker Guy randomly showing up and scaring the crap out of me. He's the guy from my school that I told you about. Well, turns out I had nothing to worry about--until later that night... -insert dramatic tension-
He showed up at my soccer practice! I couldn't believe it! I hadn't seen him since the last day of school, and didn't expect to even though I was freaking myself out about the possibility of seeing him over the summer (which was less than a 0% chance so I thought).
There I was, picking up soccer balls at the end of practice and he was sitting on the side of the hill. I could feel his head shifting in my direction. The worst part was knowing that he didn't know which soccer team I played for, let alone when and where we practiced. Talk about run for your life! Now I'm even more nervous to see him on the first day of 11th grade! Lucky for me, he left before we had the chance to approach each other. That was scary too because he literally disappeared in the blink of an eye. It made me wonder if I was just dillusional, but I know I didn't drink any hot chocolate (I swear!) so I'm good. I'm scared for my life! Is he going to hurt me or am I just that interesting to be around/stare at at all times? Either way, I have an ultimate mission to avoid him.
Dear Mr. Creepy Stalker Guy,
What do you want from me?!
Watch out! He's got eyes like laser beams and a touch like frost bite. He'll be stalking you on facebook through the end of the night. He's Mr. Creepy Stalker Guy, and he's going to be here everyday for the next 2 years...
Here's what you'll need for school:
P.S. "The best way to deal with a stalker is by stalking him/her yourself" - Me
1. Mirror spy glasses
2. A boyfriend (or at least an imaginary one ;) hehe)
3. An escape route
4. A buddy to accompany you at all times
5. A cell phone for emergency purposes
6. A reason why you can't give him your phone number/go on a date with him
7. A trench coat just to look cool
8. Music
9. A video camera
10. A vicious police guard dog
11. A wig
12. Binoculars (enjoy using these at school assemblies to keep an eye on MCSG (Mr. Creepy Stalker Guy))
13. Walkie talkies
14. An air horn
15. Silly string (my most prized weapon of mass destruction)
Now you will be set to avoid any mysterious activity from your creepy spytech starstruck large-pupiled freaky mind-boggling unavoidable stalkenemy... if you could only throw him out of your very own mind... -throws imaginary image of MCSG into an imaginary trash can- Wouldn't it be so much easier to just own Bumblebee from Transformers to protect you from MCSG at all times? Or to have a mutant body gaurd from X-Men?
- Sydney (hereby applying for an alien protector)
RANDOM QUOTE: "If I know I have everything prepared for when I get killed by a stalker, then I can go to sleep."
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