Saturday, August 27, 2011

The Ugly Truth

Would you rather I be mad because I know the truth, or be mad because I don’t? Would you rather I be mad for you not telling the truth or someone else be mad because you did?
It sucks when life brings you to a point when it’s time to choose between your best friends. It sucks when life brings you to a point where you can’t trust the one’s you’ve trusted most all the times before.
There is no, “it all depends.” You’ve got to choose left or right and live with that decision for the rest of your life without turning back.
Say what you mean and mean what you say.
How does this relate to me? Well, you see, I have a group of a few close mutual friends at school. Unfortunately, where there is a “group” there is secrets because often times everyone talks behind your backs. What’s even worse is making a promise to keep a secret, especially when you absolutely can’t keep them. Promises are most often broken. You can easily see how this could lead into what I was just saying about choosing between friends. I agree with Sadie. 1) Why do people make promises they can’t keep? 2) Some things just push you over the edge and 3) Crying helps. Who wouldn’t cry if you and your best friends were slowly splitting apart? Even worse, they might be taking your other friends with them.
All I wanted was some answers and a little less “Drama Queen.”

To continue…

There’s this boy, right? Of course ;). Said boy doesn’t like to make himself clear. Ask him anything!
Question: How are you?
Answer: I don’t know.
Question: Are you okay?
Answer: Maybe.
Question: So anything exciting happen today?
Answer: I guess.
Question: Do you like ____?
Answer: I don’t want to answer that.
Question: Why won’t you answer that question?
Answer: I don’t know.
Question: Do you seriously want me to be mad at you for not answering me?
(Later that day)
Question: Hey what’s up?
Answer: Are you seriously wearing those shoes…?
Dot dot dot…
Boy likes girl. Girl is SO oblivious. Girl likes to talk about how girls like boy. Boy likes to disagree. Boy says more boys like girl than girls like boy. Confused yet? Anyways, it just so happens that this boy is right. More boys like this girl than girls like that boy.
Question: So do you REALLY think more boys like her?
Answer: Well, yeah, considering I’m one of them.
Question: WHAT? Are you kidding me?! I thought you were over this!
Answer: Yeah… Why are you mad?
Question: Seriously? Because you like her and didn’t tell me and it’s really dumb that…
Answer: I never said that! What are you talking about?!
Anyways… point proven.

BOYS LESSON #7: ANSWER. Don’t just be difficult. It’s really annoying.

The Ugly Truth is that... the old truth is the new lie...

RANDOM QUOTE: “Best friends listen to what you don’t say.”



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