Saturday, August 27, 2011


To someone in this small world:

I’m not going to accept anyone’s definition of me.
I define myself.
If I want to be weird, I’ll be weird. If I want to look ugly, I’ll look ugly. If I want to go crazy, I’ll go crazy. If I want to dance, for goodness sake, I’m going to dance!
If there’s one thing I hate, it’s labels.
If you say shame on me for not wearing a skirt, then I’ll say shame on you for not wearing pants.
You see, for all you know, you’re all ugly, and I’m the only one who’s pretty.
Opinions are just opinions.
You don’t have the right to make up the definition of beauty.
But, you know, it’s okay to be ugly. In fact, I want to be ugly! It means I’m different than what your imagination says I should look like. It means I’m cool enough to not fit under one mind’s categorization.
Different is good.
I’m beautiful in my own way.
Life is, after all, a very small world.
If I bore you, find someone interesting to talk to.
If I annoy you, there are plenty of “normal” people in this world.
But you know what?
Normal is overrated.
Normal is basic.
Normal isn’t exciting.
Normal isn’t different! It’s BORING.
So if that’s what you’re looking for, then find another girl, because you’re looking at a girl who’s half alien and half bullfighter tough (and that comes with a side of utter bull crap).
Think I’m full of BS? “I do get called b**** a lot. What I do NOT get called is pushover, stupid, sweetheart, dear, or doormat. Works for me.”
You think I’m weird? I think what you mean is I need to watch what I say because I’ll get showed you up one day.
When you see me on the big screen, you’ll see what I mean.
So if you call me quiet, I’ll be loud.
If you call me ugly, oh snap ;) I’ll show you kick butt beautiful because I’m not going to live up to your expectations.
I’m going to shake things up and be surprising and spastic.
I’ll be myself, that is, exactly who you think I’m not. You don’t know me.
I bet you don’t know me.

I’m sick of hearing people judging. I’ll admit, I judge too, even to my best friends. It just helps to vent your feelings to someone sometimes and it’s extremely hard to resist. But gossip spreads like wild fire. And as you know, one wild fire, takes a whole lot of firefighters to put out, and the damage is still left behind. I think this is why I keep so many journals. Some are to vent about my personal life, and even sometimes I write down my feelings about others, just so I know I can still make out the words without adding fuel to the fire. It’s really a great hobby and definitely calms the emotions. If you don’t keep journals, I’d recommend it! It’s not silly, or weird, or girly. It’s just being you :).

When it comes to looks, I think it’s much more rewarding to focus on the attractive and beautiful attributes instead of the negative ones. In an attempt to become better at doing this, I decided to make a list of beautiful things:

Sparkling eyes,                                                                      
Sleek and shiny hair,
Gloriously pale or tan skin,
Long eyelashes,
Groomed eyebrows,
Bone structure,
Painted nails,
Cute birth marks,
A facial expression,
Luscious lips,
Contrasting colors,
The way one walks,
Belly buttons,
Smooth skin,
Soft hands or cheeks.
I could go on forever. Any other ideas for you, world?

I challenge myself to change any desire to insult someone into a precious compliment that will make that person’s day. If you’re a victim or a judger yourself, I challenge you to do the same. If you find yourself thinking, “Eww, this person is just not attractive,” compliment them instead. Having troubles thinking of a compliment? Don’t lie. Think of the little things about them that make that person special. Do something nice for someone. Help them with their books, hold a door open for someone, or just smile and say hello. It’s the little things that count, especially when big gestures aren’t always possible to do. Spread the joy.

RANDOM QUOTE: “I believe in the ugly truth rather than the beautiful lie.”


Loves, hugs, and happiness,
- Sydney

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