Sunday, August 28, 2011

Update! :)

Hey Everyone!
School is oficcially started. I've started my classes, kinda figured out my schedule, and yes, I've gotten the 1st 'set' of that dreaded thing known as homework. I forgot how much time consuming it can be...the break over the summer was very nice. :) Anyways, tomorrow will be the start of the 2nd week back at school for the 2011-12 school year and I'm kinda excited since I'll get to reallly get started on classes and get to know my teachers..but at the same time, I'm not really ready. It's about to get very stresful and I can tell I'm going to have a rough time this year with keeping on track with everything. My teachers will be there to help though...but, I'll have to be the one to initiate the help when I need it. In 11th grade, it's not the teacher's job to always be asking me. I know it's time that I have to to make sure I get the help I need when whatever we're learning becomes too confusing and I don't understand. This year my calsses are: Pre-Calc Honors, Spanish 3, US Literature, US History, Earth Science, and AP Biology.... Based on 1st impressions form last week of having class (AKA the 1st week of school year this) my favorite teacher is my spanish teacher...which is fabulous since that's def. going to being one of the classes I will most strugglith since it's a foreign language and I'm not the best with reading/writing things for in english anyways right now too. Oh goodness. It will be a challenege, but I'm up for it! :) Wish me luck!!
 Beyond the update of school year, I've been thinking about life in general lately. Somtimes I worry too much about small things. Like what people honestly think of me. If I'll ever be able to at least seem 'normal' despite clearly being different. If I'll ever be able to overcome the fear of failure. When I'll stop being homesick every. sinlge. time. I have to leave home...even when it's for something I enjoy (ex. SEACAMP) Who will take the time each day to say hi and really mean it. If anyone will reach out to me as a friend when they need help. Why I always feel nervous when I have to talk in public. Or why I always feel like I'm on the outside looking in. Overall though, I know that many of these things I worry about are simply irrational fears...and I usually just blow things out of praspective a lot of the time...I can't help it though. So, that's the update (quick, not that indepth) of my life right now...
Here's a short poem I wrote that kinda fits with this post:
Time-Do you see me?
Can you hear me?
Did you know I'm trying to help?
I wonder when you'll take the time
to notice and say hello.
I know I'm quiet
all alone in my world
I'd open up to you though
if I thought you really cared
Does anyone ever stop to think
about the passing world
or is it solely I alone
who contemplates
these hours
passing by
wasted time unnoticed
Lets all breathe and stop right now
to think about this life
these preciouse moments
passing by
that can't be replaced or bought

"An hour, one hour, can change everything forever. An hour can save your life. An hour can change your life. Sometimes an hour is a gift we give ourselves. For some, an hour can mean almost nothing. For others, an hour makes all the difference in the world. But in the end, it's still just an hour. One of many. Many more to come. Sixty minutes. Thirty-six hundred seconds. That's it. Then it starts all over again. And who knows what the next hour might hold."

Thanks for reading! Sorry it's been so long since I've posted.

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